Heres a tiny clip from New Moon! It comes out November 20th!!! I CANT WAIT!
Cant wait cant wait cant wait cant wait cant wait!!
- vic -
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Plans for the fall...
Im thinking alot of what im gonna do in the fall these days. Ive been thinking about doing something that revolves around creativity, animal care, styling and make-up, psychology or just work.
The latest thought i have is if whether or not i should go to the us with my boyfriend after christmas. So im thinking to maybe work the first semester in Trondheim and then either work or study the next semester in the US, but WHAT TO DOOOOO. I have no idea what i want.
The only thing im sure about is that i DO NOT want to be without my boyfriend for six months.
So do you have any tips? Anyone? You who dont read my blogs? Ha ha.
Another thing i thought about today is that beautiful model that models for Loreal Elvital Color Vive. A blond. I always thought she is soo pretty and ive always wondered if its Denise Richards or not. But today i finally found out; her name is Doutzen Kroes, believe it or not, and shes from the Netherlands, believe it or not!

The latest thought i have is if whether or not i should go to the us with my boyfriend after christmas. So im thinking to maybe work the first semester in Trondheim and then either work or study the next semester in the US, but WHAT TO DOOOOO. I have no idea what i want.
The only thing im sure about is that i DO NOT want to be without my boyfriend for six months.
So do you have any tips? Anyone? You who dont read my blogs? Ha ha.
Another thing i thought about today is that beautiful model that models for Loreal Elvital Color Vive. A blond. I always thought she is soo pretty and ive always wondered if its Denise Richards or not. But today i finally found out; her name is Doutzen Kroes, believe it or not, and shes from the Netherlands, believe it or not!
Isnt she just beautiful? Wish i looked like her.
- vic -
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Quotes Will Come
So i watch One Tree Hill, Gossip Girl and Grey's Anatomy and some of you may think im dumb, but i know theres alot of people watching those series too and love them, and the thing is, theres alot of very good quotes in the, and also music. I will be posting quotes of the day from now on i think, whenever i hear something that really gets to me or moves me or whatever. But not only from the series, ill be writing everything i feel like.
So here i go, my first quote of the day
May 26th.. - Love
I believe in true love. I believe in love at first sight. I believe love conquers all. And that doesn't mean there's not gonna be hard days or difficult things to deal with, because there will be. But finding that person who does it for you and knowing that person loves you back; it just makes everything so much easier. - Hayley James Scott, OTH 06x23
- vic -
So here i go, my first quote of the day
May 26th.. - Love
I believe in true love. I believe in love at first sight. I believe love conquers all. And that doesn't mean there's not gonna be hard days or difficult things to deal with, because there will be. But finding that person who does it for you and knowing that person loves you back; it just makes everything so much easier. - Hayley James Scott, OTH 06x23
- vic -
Music again
I finally have something new to write about. Not so exciting maybe, but i find it worth writing about. MUSIC.
"Music helps, whatever youre going trough" - Peyton Sawyer
Those are wise words, true words. Music always helps, no matter how bad you might feel. If you have nobody to talk to or even cry to, cry to the music and let the music help.
Heres some songs that are really good:
Parachute - She Is Love
Snow Patrol - The Planets Bend Between Us
William Fitzsimmons - I Don't Feel It Anymore (Song Of The Sparrow)
William Fitzsimmons - Passion Play
Katie Costello - I Can't Fix Us Two
Manchester Orchestra - I Can Feel a Hot One
John Mayer - Daughters (live)
John Mayer - Belief (live)
The John Mayer songs are of course the ones from Where the light is! :)
William Fitzsimmons makes beautiful music by the way. He makes acoustic songs, kinda like Andy McKee, only Will sings too, Andy only plays guitar. You should check them both out;
Andy McKee - Art Of Motion and William Fitzsimmons - all of his albums

- vic -
"Music helps, whatever youre going trough" - Peyton Sawyer
Those are wise words, true words. Music always helps, no matter how bad you might feel. If you have nobody to talk to or even cry to, cry to the music and let the music help.
Heres some songs that are really good:
Parachute - She Is Love
Snow Patrol - The Planets Bend Between Us
William Fitzsimmons - I Don't Feel It Anymore (Song Of The Sparrow)
William Fitzsimmons - Passion Play
Katie Costello - I Can't Fix Us Two
Manchester Orchestra - I Can Feel a Hot One
John Mayer - Daughters (live)
John Mayer - Belief (live)
The John Mayer songs are of course the ones from Where the light is! :)
William Fitzsimmons makes beautiful music by the way. He makes acoustic songs, kinda like Andy McKee, only Will sings too, Andy only plays guitar. You should check them both out;
Andy McKee - Art Of Motion and William Fitzsimmons - all of his albums

- vic -
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Shit shite and more shit
I dont know why i write shit.. i just kinda feel like shit. Lets write shite:)
I feel like shite cause its raining outside..and im tired. At least i think im tired. And some other stuff. But other than that - things are ok.
Im sitting and listening to John Mayers concert Where The Light Is.. its so Wonderful!! I absolutely love it and he is my singing GOD! This concert is one of the most amazing concerts ive ever lisened to, and i havent lisened to many.. hehe! Anyway, he sings like a God, did i say that? Anyway, he sings like a God. GOD. And all the stuff he does with his voice? Its just unbelievable! The ending on Daughters is beautiful. I just love that concert.. ill be talking about it later, most likely!
So.. I should go to bed now really, ive got norwegian exams tomorrow! I think its gonna be okay, but i still need enough sleep to get trough it:p
Im starting to work-out for real tomorrow aswell! Need to get back to shape for the summer and get the training into my system again for the fall! Ill be working out togheter with my boyfriend there, so im gonna have to be prepared for 24/7 training! He works out _alot_ =p
Well ill hit the bed now. Im not really tired, and this became a shite blog , except for the john mayer part. I obviously dont have much to say today. So ill end it before it goes bad.
- vic -
I dont know why i write shit.. i just kinda feel like shit. Lets write shite:)
I feel like shite cause its raining outside..and im tired. At least i think im tired. And some other stuff. But other than that - things are ok.
Im sitting and listening to John Mayers concert Where The Light Is.. its so Wonderful!! I absolutely love it and he is my singing GOD! This concert is one of the most amazing concerts ive ever lisened to, and i havent lisened to many.. hehe! Anyway, he sings like a God, did i say that? Anyway, he sings like a God. GOD. And all the stuff he does with his voice? Its just unbelievable! The ending on Daughters is beautiful. I just love that concert.. ill be talking about it later, most likely!
So.. I should go to bed now really, ive got norwegian exams tomorrow! I think its gonna be okay, but i still need enough sleep to get trough it:p
Im starting to work-out for real tomorrow aswell! Need to get back to shape for the summer and get the training into my system again for the fall! Ill be working out togheter with my boyfriend there, so im gonna have to be prepared for 24/7 training! He works out _alot_ =p
Well ill hit the bed now. Im not really tired, and this became a shite blog , except for the john mayer part. I obviously dont have much to say today. So ill end it before it goes bad.
- vic -
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
A little music-talk
I dont really have much to say right now, i just want to update you on my favorite songs these days;
La Rocca - Non believer
Red - Never Be The Same
Dead By April - Trapped
Kelly Clarkson - Already Gone
Jimmy Eat World - Here It Goes
I basically listen to Alot different kind of music.. Hits and not-hits.. If you have some tips please give me!:)
And by the way, Jimmy Eats World's album "Chase This Light"..check it out. Its brilliant!
Now i have to get ready for work!
- vic -
La Rocca - Non believer
Red - Never Be The Same
Dead By April - Trapped
Kelly Clarkson - Already Gone
Jimmy Eat World - Here It Goes
And by the way, Jimmy Eats World's album "Chase This Light"..check it out. Its brilliant!
Now i have to get ready for work!
- vic -
Saturday, May 16, 2009
A visit and X-Factor
Im back from a visit in Trondheim, where my love lives! She studies up there.. im just kidding - HE.
HE is wonderful and we are moving in together in the fall, did i say that?... Yes i did. And we also got the apartment!:D im so joyful i could explode. (heh.. the way i wrote it made it sound like im Not excited, but i am, really. :D )
So anyway, i was up there, been there since tuesday.. i mainly went up to enter the x-factor competition, and stayed with my boyfriend! I came to the hotel, where he competition was held wednesday, at around 0930 n the morning.. and i waited and waited in a queue for FIVE HOURS!! Then.. i came inside the hotel to wait some more hours..and finally mu number came up and i was scared and nervous like shite.

Finally when i came inside to the pre-cast judges, i talked for like two minutes before singing. They were really nice, it was two women, and supportive. So i sang Before he cheats by carrie underwood and they liked it!!:) that sent me to the main audition for the main judges..
So yesterday was auditionday! I choose to sing Since u been gone by kelly clarkson, and since i was one of the last ones out to audition i had no nerves left when i met the judges.. and so it went really well!...i thought. they didnt like my voice at all and it was <> in their ears..
I was really sad because of the comments i got werent things ive ever heard before..they caught me by surprise..
Well..i guess i have some sort of experience out of this..well i do, i absolutely do. But it was obviously not so friends and people in class say i was brave to enter the competition at all and what the heck; i was one of the 200 best out of 1600 in Trondheim! Thats gotta be something.. :)
While i was up there i stayed with my boyfriend like i think i said earlier. It was really nice because it was in the middle of a school-week so he went to school every morning and we got to taste how the daily life will be in the fall when we move in together. Everytime ive been up there with him ive always been there in the weekends, so ive never really learned how it will be when we live together. Its always just been a little "vacation" :)
I cant wait 'til we move in together!! Im sooooo excited! Weve waited TWO_YEARS for this! So i guess you know how i feel.. EXCITED! And my friends are absolutely amased how weve gotten trough a long-distance relationship for this long..
Theres only one reason, and its Love.!! If you havent experienced it yet, just wait, 'til the perfect one for you shows up and shows you how wonderful life can be. I can be very deep and even a little poetic sometimes, thats just a better way for me to describe things. So if i suddently turn very deep and poetic, dont run off :p
Anyway.. i better end this blog now.. i started writing it sunday i think.. So GOODBYE and talk to you next time. You who dont read my blogs.! I have only two followers, one machine and one friend who i dont really think reads my blogs ;p None-offence!
Well, see ya
- vic -
HE is wonderful and we are moving in together in the fall, did i say that?... Yes i did. And we also got the apartment!:D im so joyful i could explode. (heh.. the way i wrote it made it sound like im Not excited, but i am, really. :D )
So anyway, i was up there, been there since tuesday.. i mainly went up to enter the x-factor competition, and stayed with my boyfriend! I came to the hotel, where he competition was held wednesday, at around 0930 n the morning.. and i waited and waited in a queue for FIVE HOURS!! Then.. i came inside the hotel to wait some more hours..and finally mu number came up and i was scared and nervous like shite.
Finally when i came inside to the pre-cast judges, i talked for like two minutes before singing. They were really nice, it was two women, and supportive. So i sang Before he cheats by carrie underwood and they liked it!!:) that sent me to the main audition for the main judges..
So yesterday was auditionday! I choose to sing Since u been gone by kelly clarkson, and since i was one of the last ones out to audition i had no nerves left when i met the judges.. and so it went really well!...i thought. they didnt like my voice at all and it was <
I was really sad because of the comments i got werent things ive ever heard before..they caught me by surprise..
Well..i guess i have some sort of experience out of this..well i do, i absolutely do. But it was obviously not so friends and people in class say i was brave to enter the competition at all and what the heck; i was one of the 200 best out of 1600 in Trondheim! Thats gotta be something.. :)
While i was up there i stayed with my boyfriend like i think i said earlier. It was really nice because it was in the middle of a school-week so he went to school every morning and we got to taste how the daily life will be in the fall when we move in together. Everytime ive been up there with him ive always been there in the weekends, so ive never really learned how it will be when we live together. Its always just been a little "vacation" :)
I cant wait 'til we move in together!! Im sooooo excited! Weve waited TWO_YEARS for this! So i guess you know how i feel.. EXCITED! And my friends are absolutely amased how weve gotten trough a long-distance relationship for this long..
Theres only one reason, and its Love.!! If you havent experienced it yet, just wait, 'til the perfect one for you shows up and shows you how wonderful life can be. I can be very deep and even a little poetic sometimes, thats just a better way for me to describe things. So if i suddently turn very deep and poetic, dont run off :p
Anyway.. i better end this blog now.. i started writing it sunday i think.. So GOODBYE and talk to you next time. You who dont read my blogs.! I have only two followers, one machine and one friend who i dont really think reads my blogs ;p None-offence!
Well, see ya
- vic -
Monday, May 11, 2009
Some creativity

Here are a few pics of my creativity. Ive made some beanies and made some hemp necklaces and bracelets. Its really simple and if you want tips i can try to give you :)
- vic -
Here are a few pics of my creativity. Ive made some beanies and made some hemp necklaces and bracelets. Its really simple and if you want tips i can try to give you :)
- vic -
I do everything but what I should do
Oh well.. thats just how it always is isnt it? I sit here at my desk, with actual purpose to study world history because i have a test tuesday. But its just not happening..
I ate dinner and my mother told me about Laura Pausini singing a song to Pavarotti at his memorial concert, only she didnt remember what the song was called. So ive been hung up in finding out the name of the song for an hour now, which well, is taken out on the "studying".
Ive found it now though. Its called Il Mondo Che Vorrei, and is originally sung by Vasco Russi.
Mom and my stepfather wants me to sing it, recording in a studio. Its a really beauiful song. Maybe i will next time.
So nooow i should really start to study..but thats not really happening is it..? Heh.. im writing this blog instead. Ill finish writing it, and THEN ill study. I PROMISE!
So me and my boyfriend Lars are moving in toghether in the fall. Im moving to his city, Trondheim to study psychologi for a year. And so weve found this beautiful place to live, its an apartment with 4 or 5 bedrooms, where other people live, and one of the rooms with an addictional room is out for rental from june to december. He called the girl who lives in the room now, and told her about our interest. It looks good right now, i think well get it, at least i hope we will! Weve been looking for a place to live for a long time now and really want to just find a place now and have it sorted out so that we wont have to think about it anymore. So hopefully....... We will know tonight or tomorrow so basically my stomach is aching and having butterflies inside at the same time. My puls is high everytime i think about it or talk about it! Dear God. Please :)
It been a long time since i last blogged. And since ive been sitting with my homepage for a long time tonight, editing the looks and stuff, i thought i ough to write something. Also to keep you updated on me!
Well.. I guess ill have to do that studying now.. I find history boring, no matter how new or old it is. Its just so much heavy and complicated stuff to learn and read about. Well i guess its not all that boring, its just...alot.
- vic -
I ate dinner and my mother told me about Laura Pausini singing a song to Pavarotti at his memorial concert, only she didnt remember what the song was called. So ive been hung up in finding out the name of the song for an hour now, which well, is taken out on the "studying".
Ive found it now though. Its called Il Mondo Che Vorrei, and is originally sung by Vasco Russi.
Mom and my stepfather wants me to sing it, recording in a studio. Its a really beauiful song. Maybe i will next time.
So nooow i should really start to study..but thats not really happening is it..? Heh.. im writing this blog instead. Ill finish writing it, and THEN ill study. I PROMISE!
So me and my boyfriend Lars are moving in toghether in the fall. Im moving to his city, Trondheim to study psychologi for a year. And so weve found this beautiful place to live, its an apartment with 4 or 5 bedrooms, where other people live, and one of the rooms with an addictional room is out for rental from june to december. He called the girl who lives in the room now, and told her about our interest. It looks good right now, i think well get it, at least i hope we will! Weve been looking for a place to live for a long time now and really want to just find a place now and have it sorted out so that we wont have to think about it anymore. So hopefully....... We will know tonight or tomorrow so basically my stomach is aching and having butterflies inside at the same time. My puls is high everytime i think about it or talk about it! Dear God. Please :)
It been a long time since i last blogged. And since ive been sitting with my homepage for a long time tonight, editing the looks and stuff, i thought i ough to write something. Also to keep you updated on me!
Well.. I guess ill have to do that studying now.. I find history boring, no matter how new or old it is. Its just so much heavy and complicated stuff to learn and read about. Well i guess its not all that boring, its just...alot.
- vic -
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