So now my life begins! I want to work with music! Im thinking this; If i dont get in to any school for this fall, i will either find something other to study or i will work. If i work ill do some music stuff on the side. Sing in a choir or something or get to a record studio and make some music myself! I could be a songwriter too, so ill find out wnat chances i have:) i just REALLY want to work with music... i am a dreamer, i know, and i know theres a lot of work behind a song-career, but if i set my mind in going all the way there, i will try my best, and i wont give up!
No matter what; if i get to do something around music; Im Happy!!
I sang on this show a few days back. Or a week maybe. Sang Loves not a competition, the cover by paramore covering the kaiser chiefs, and Dont forget by demi! It went well i guess:)
Ahe upcoming friday im singing again! Dont know what ill sing then, but i guess ill sing those two and some other songs.. White horse by Taylor Swift maybe! Gosh i just LOVE to sing! I love it! If i can say only one passion i have, besides my passion for my boyfriend:p<3, it would be SINGING. You have no idea how much it means to me.
I could sing all day.
I write my own songs too, and i would like to get them out there, preformed by either me or another artist. Out to an audience.
I feel like.. i dont necessary have to BE somebody. Just as long as i can do ANYTHING within music in my life, its ok. That would really be OK:D
This blog is all music talk, haha.. i was supposed to talk about the end of high school.. oh well. Anyway, i Was talking about high school, and that my life starts now. So i guess music Is as relevant as i made it out here!
It will be!!
Oh The cutest thing just popped up!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7cq_7RTrJgQ
The most adoreable girl saying Whatever, making a face And waving her hand! So cute!
... Now im just sitting and wathing laughing babies in youtube! I was suppoused to go to sleep!:p
Oh well... tomorrow im going to the dentist, and then home. Ill be moving to Trondheim in like half a month so i guess ill start the packing tomorrow too. Theres alot to pack and alot to store away. So why not start as soon as possible:p
But NOW im going to sleep. Take care and goodnight!
- vic -