The trip to Texas was pretty much the same as before Lucas, only in the day, so we got through the driving with almost no problems. On Monday we went downtown first to check it out and then we tracked down the mark where John F. Kennedy was shot. Then we wanted to go on a roof on a skyscraper and so we asked the security at Thanksgiving Tower or whatever its called, because they usually let people on the roof. But that day they were actually shooting a TV-show called The Good Guys. Thats pretty cool. The fact that they were shooting!
We went on to a shopping-center outside Dallas and i actually got water in my mouth by walking around with all the stores, GOD what a long time ago, i thought!! Shoes <3 haha. We used some bucks over there and i think everyone appereciated it a lot after beeing so long out in the "bushes"!
Me and Lars checked out a real rodeo arena which was open for visitors to see. It was pretty cool, heres a (bad) picture!
Back at the motel we checked out the weather by coincidence and learned that there was a tropical storm called Alex, later referred to as a hurricane, coming over the South Coast. Luckily we were gonna go to Memphis on Thursday so we werent gonna have all that bad weather (again). In the afternoon, 6 of us went to a sports-center and me and Lars drove downtown. We didnt really do much, only looked around, and then it started raining so we hung out on a cafe. It was really nice though. I liked Fort Worth a lot because it was very pretty and clean there, is that what i always say?? But really, it was! And i like the western look about the city and the shops and bars and all :)
Then in the evening/night we went to a Irish pub downtown which was called Durty Molly, yes, with a U, and boy did we drink too much haha. We havent had a time like that since Las Vegas so yeah, we took it aaaall the way out! I dont have much else to say about that night because i really dont remember much. Only a lot of tequila.........
The next day we were all pretty hungover, some worst than others. We started with breakfast at Denny's and then the boys went to a shooting range and fun there while me and Runa got mani- and pedicure! That was sooo good, you cant imagine!
The trip goes on towards Memphis!!!!!
- vic -
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- vic -