Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Autumn Leaves

Monday, November 01, 2010
The Ending, Part 2 - I Was In Miami B****
All night on the beach till the break of dawn

Monday, September 27, 2010
The Ending, Part 1 - Finally Florida
Soooo sorry for not posting this one earlier, but here it is!
Our goals in Atlanta werent that much, only to be in a place, a big place, to celebrate the 4th of July. It sure is a huge city, but we didnt see much of it. We came in on Saturday night and just chilled and Sunday we relaxed again before heading to Stone Mountain Park to celebrate the 4th of July! We were all really tired cause of the long roadtrip and were actually looking forward to it to end, even though we knew it was going to be sad.
We took a taxi towards the park and everything was fine, but then there were waaayyy to many cars wanting to enter the park. So we got out of the taxi cause we didnt want to spend money on just waiting, and thought we could get in by foot, but then we were stopped by a guard telling us that we simply cant enter without a car. ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?!?
Luckily there was a pickup waiting in line right next to us and the two gentlemen driving it were nice enough to let us tailgate so we could get inside! Haha! We got a lot of weird looks...
When we got to the park we found a restaurant at a hotel almost straight away and there was a buffet with so much good stuff (God, do we like buffets!), and so we dug in. After a nice dinner and very nice dessert(s) we went downstairs to the bar and started our journey to space once again and then headed out to the hotel garden as a laser-show and the fireworks were about to begin.
First of, the laser-show was amazing!!! On the mountain wall, there were carvings of three persons riding horses, some historical thing, and the lasers made animated pictures and a show of the history of the three riders. It was veery cool, ive never seen a lasershow like that.
Over to the fireworks; Ive Never seen anything like it. We don't have that kind of firework in Norway, no way! If im not mistaken i remember a UFO and a smiley too? It was so amazing and cool. (there will be pics of the same kinda fireworks later...)
We left Atlanta with more patriotism in our minds and headed for Jacksonville. All we new
about Jax was that we would finally see the ocean again and the
white sand embracing the coast of Florida. When we got there, it was Exactly like that…!
We came into town in the evening. The sun had just set and had painted beautiful colors in the horisont and we parked our cars and Ran down to the beach. It was magical! We had waited So_Long for this and when we finally felt the sand between our toes and the water splashing on our legs, Nothing needed to be said. Just; Finally.
We stayed in Jacksonvile for 4 days i think. We stayed just outside of downtown and had to drive every day to Jax Beach(es). We basically hung out on the beach every day and then went downtown in the evening or just hung out in the motel. One night we ate at a fine restaurant downtown. This was in the dining district The Jacksonville Landing. A great area down by the water with beautiful view to the famous bridge in blue.

On the beach on day we rented surfboards!!
This was a highly anticipated activity that we had talked about for a loong time and that we had agreed on doing in Miami, but then we couldn't wait, so we did it in Jax. The condition for surfing was beyond perfect, big waves (not huge); perfect to get a great surf-experience. Runa was the only one who had surfed before (in Australia) but Lars managed to stand up on the board the first time he tried too! (I think someone else made it too, but i dont remember who, sorry!)
Me not so much, but i did get up after a long struggle with the waves!
So surfing was GREAT, its definitely a sport that both me and Lars agreed on that we would like to be doing as a hobby!
So now we were finally back by the ocean in the final state; it really felt incredible after everything we had been through, driving trough _18_ states! Our next stop was going to be…. Disneyworld?
- vic -
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Memphis - The Music Capital!
Me and Torgeir didn't really feel too good both during and after dinner so we all didn't really do much out either. We walked the street up and down a couple of times, looking at all he people actually, because that was very fun. One guy did this craaaaaazy trick, check out the vid: (Im trying to post the vid but theres a problem. Check in later)
After a while me, Lars and Mats went back to the motel, all worn out. The rest of the group stayed out partying.

I just didn't wanna leave, and then he told us that the studio is still a functioning recording studio. in my dreams im recording there…

Right after this, the wonderful journey continued as we drove over to Graceland: Home of Elvis "The King" Presley.

All of his life is gathered there at Graceland; everything, even his death and his grave. The grave of Elvis lay beside his parents and his grandmother in a area out in his garden, designed for meditation and relaxation. It was very pretty and peaceful there.
So we walked in Memphis with Elvis on our minds, and we left the town with so much more knowledge and so many memories.
I don't wanna leave, Memphis is the music capital; it should be my home.
- vic -
Friday, July 09, 2010
Howdy Texas!
The trip to Texas was pretty much the same as before Lucas, only in the day, so we got through the driving with almost no problems. On Monday we went downtown first to check it out and then we tracked down the mark where John F. Kennedy was shot. Then we wanted to go on a roof on a skyscraper and so we asked the security at Thanksgiving Tower or whatever its called, because they usually let people on the roof. But that day they were actually shooting a TV-show called The Good Guys. Thats pretty cool. The fact that they were shooting!
We went on to a shopping-center outside Dallas and i actually got water in my mouth by walking around with all the stores, GOD what a long time ago, i thought!! Shoes <3 haha. We used some bucks over there and i think everyone appereciated it a lot after beeing so long out in the "bushes"!
Me and Lars checked out a real rodeo arena which was open for visitors to see. It was pretty cool, heres a (bad) picture!
Back at the motel we checked out the weather by coincidence and learned that there was a tropical storm called Alex, later referred to as a hurricane, coming over the South Coast. Luckily we were gonna go to Memphis on Thursday so we werent gonna have all that bad weather (again). In the afternoon, 6 of us went to a sports-center and me and Lars drove downtown. We didnt really do much, only looked around, and then it started raining so we hung out on a cafe. It was really nice though. I liked Fort Worth a lot because it was very pretty and clean there, is that what i always say?? But really, it was! And i like the western look about the city and the shops and bars and all :)
Then in the evening/night we went to a Irish pub downtown which was called Durty Molly, yes, with a U, and boy did we drink too much haha. We havent had a time like that since Las Vegas so yeah, we took it aaaall the way out! I dont have much else to say about that night because i really dont remember much. Only a lot of tequila.........
The next day we were all pretty hungover, some worst than others. We started with breakfast at Denny's and then the boys went to a shooting range and fun there while me and Runa got mani- and pedicure! That was sooo good, you cant imagine!
The trip goes on towards Memphis!!!!!
- vic -
Monday, July 05, 2010
Patriots, Weird Roadtripping and Our Last Camping!
There was a lift up to a little top that advertised for a great scenic view over to Mt. Rushmore and it costed $8, and the ride up And down was really nice but we all felt very ripped off when we saw the view. Basically we didnt see anything, just 4 faces faaaaaaaar far away. When we got down i complained, the sunnmøring as i am haha (a norwegian thing if you english readers dont know).
Anyway, as we waited, an american flag was lit up the entire time and when the show started everyone said a prayer for it. Then we saw a movie about the american history and the role the four presidents played. Then for a finale, as they lit the mountain in Slow Motion, yeees thats right, slow motion, everyone sang the national anthem. It was a nice, um what should i call it, seremony maybe, but it was kinda heavy we think. We all know that americans are patriots but we didnt realize they were that much patriots until we saw this. Wow, thats all i can say!
We slept in Keystone for a night and the next day we went on to the Crazy Horse memorial. The memorial isnt finished so once again we felt ripped off as we payed $27 for a carload, (over at Mt. Rushmore we payed $10), BUT this place was AMAZING.
After all this we continued our trip down to a place called Hot Springs, not far from the border to Nebraska. We spent a night here and at the time there was a little arts and crafts festival, so we saw a lot of pretty little things people had made and there was a little music too. A very nice little place with great people and delicious China buffets!
The next day we hit the road for a looooong trip through Nebraska. Not far from the border we did a pit-stop at Carhenge which basically is a copy of the Stonehenge, only made of cars. Pretty cool and i dont know who on earth had it so boring that they did this project. Fun for tourists though!
After a long and narly drive with craaaaaazy thunder and lightning and rain, we stopped in Kansas, in a tiiiny place called Lucas to camp. The bad weather didnt come after us, thank God, but it was really creepy there because we met some people, two older guys, who seemed nice enough, but they were drinking, and when they were done talking to some of our guys they just lingered and hovered over us, not saying a word. We waited like forever and they never went inside their RV and i refused to go to sleep until they did but in the end they FINALLY got in. It was hard to fall asleep but in the end we all did, and well we're all still alive. All the boys had knives with them in the tents, just in case. Haha. We did a pit-stop at the Garden of Eden, another weird place, then we got the hell out of that town.
Heres a random pic from Lucas.. weird place. Just weird!
We passed trough Kansas the same day And we passed through Oklahoma and we didnt stop before we got to Texas. We got to a park around 10 PM and got a campsite in the woods. This was in a place outside Dallas called Danton. It was very warm and humid and it was way too many mosquitoes out there so we didnt bother to go all the way inn to our campsite; we just put up our tents on the road where there werent too much vegetation so that we wouldnt get eaten up by all the insects!! This was officially our LAST time tenting because it was sooo horrible and because we were finally in a city again: DALLAS!!!
PS: i kinda did this one in a hurry so sorry for not too many great pics or a weird text or whatever; ill try to make it up to you guys in the next one from TEXAS!!!!!
- vic -
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Yellowstone - A little piece of Norway
Everyone wow'ed a little bit as we drove in because this place is exactly like Norway, only PACKED with animals. Theres a lot of bears and buffalos here, and almost everywhere you look you can see a "Do not approach buffalo, stay safe, stay away" or "Bear Country". We saw many buffalos and then we saw an actual wild bear!!!!! Cool.
So everything was just like Norway and we felt close to home or at home. We stayed in a nice little place called Bridge Bay where Lars had made reservations for us. The first night the weather wasnt too nice so we ate out and in the evening we all gathered in one tent and played cards, except for LM, who wanted to be a badass and meet the bad weather that came in over us. First there were dark, dark clouds, then thunder and lightning. Then it started to rain and then it actually started to hale!! It haled for some time and things got a bit wet but then the sun finally came out. Crazy, cause we experienced all four seasons in like 10 minutes, haha.
So Yellowstone is beautiful. We've seen many animals, and buffalos are as common here on the fields as cows like we know it. They weren't so many as cows though, but we saw them frequently. On Monday we went to see the Old Faithful geyser, the most known and popular attraction here in the park. Every 60-90 minutes it erupts and it lasts for anything between 1-5 minutes. It was cool to see it and it went high. At the average it can go as high as 130 feet, which is about 40 m. Pretty cool.
Tuesday we didn't doo much. The weather was horrible so we just went to another camping to wash a lot of clothes, and then we hung out at a hotel and played cards for hours! Fun enough! :) it was nice to sit in the hotel because we felt sivil again.. sleeping on the ground in a tent for days is a biiiig contrast to being inside an actual house with hot water in the taps and showers! Were we in Las Vegas, really?? With luxury and marble anywhere you looked lalala... <3
Back to the cold. Wednesday was check-out day. We went to the Mammoth area, which is in the north-west part of Yellowstone. Here we saw the hot springs that are really cool because they lay in a terrace formation or whatever. Im really bad in explaining things like that, um, youll just have to see in the pics again haha.
You can suppousively bathe in the springs, though it didnt look like you could. But that day we were told that it was closed anyway so we only got to see it.
We didnt do much else here, we were gonna go horseback-riding but that never happened. Im kinda hoping that we'll meet someone cool in Kansas with a big-ass ranch who will lend us some horses!
Next up is South-Dakota - Mt. Rushmore, Crazy Horse, Jewel Caves AND and a place calld Hot Springs with Actual springs that we can Actually bathe in!
Hey, please feel free to commet, i will appreciate it!
- vic -
Passing through Utah and Idaho and Montana
We found a nice campground here with very nice people and went for a bite at Nedra's Mexican Restaurant. They had the BEST salsa ive EVER IN MY LIFE tasted and i got full on nachos and salsa before i got my dinner. Ops. Clint Eastwood has hung out at this restaurant several times too.
So we were in Utah. We spent the night in Kanab and then we went on north to Bryce Canyon. Bryce is kinda hard to explain so youll just have too see in the pics but the place very western and we could go horseback riding down the canyon but it was kinda expensive. We bought cowboy-hats though, so now me, Torgeir, LM and Magnus are officially cowboys haha!
We didnt go to the canyon but what you can see in the pics is pretty much what Bryce Canyon is about, only the canyon is covered in that scenery.
We crossed another border, in to Idaho. No Youdaho? Haha just kidding. Anyways, we found a spot in Idaho Falls, put up our tents and went straight on the next day, but we didnt get far before we found a bear park called Yellowstone Bear World. This place was really cool because it was made so we could drive trough the park, right beside all the animals. We saw moutain goats, Rocky Mountain elks, American bisons, GRIZZLY BEARS!!, moose, black bears and white-tail deers.
Ill upload a little more pics to this post later.
The jurney goes on to Yellowstone!
- vic -
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Grand Canyon - One of the seven natural wonders of the world for sure!!
We hit the road a little late because we did some sightseeing in Las Vegas during the day. We checked out the Stratosphere and wanted to take the Big Shot ride, but it was closed down because of wind. We got a good view of the city though!
ANYWAY we arrived to the Grand Canyon National Park a little late. We came in at night and there were a lot of animals right beside the roads so we had to drive like really slow to not hit any. We looked around for some campgrounds but everything was full and closed so we actually ended up sleeping in the cars. Some of the guys set up their tent even though they werent allowed to by the park. It went okay though!
We went back to the campground and played cards, badminton and caught up on some sleep. Later on in the evening we went back to the rim trail at Yavapai Pt. to see the sunset. Lars and the guys brewed some coffee and we all sat at the edge of the canyon as the sun set and put the canyon to sleep. It was so beautiful, almost like and illusion.
I thought it was really cold during the night but i got through it. The next day we checked out at 1130 and went straight to another trail called Kaibab, where we did some hiking down the canyon. We didnt go far, or for a long time, but it was pretty steep, so the walk back up was a liiiittle heavy, at least for me haha. The hike was gorgeous and it felt very unique to be walking down this incredible scenery. Everywhere we looked was, well, the pictures tell everything....
Grand Canyon is the greatest end neatest thing we've seen so far, for me it tops Vegas for sure. Everyone should go to the canyon and experience it. Theres no hole in the ground like it!!
Next we're off to Yellowstone but we're going to stop a few places because we have reservations the 20th.
- vic -