Look at that, I'm back!! It's about time I update you isn't it......
I feel so bad that I haven't written anything since February!!, and a lot has happened since then!
I'll try to update you the best I can without writing too much about everything, and I won't write everything at once in this post, so stay tuned. This will be a long post, but don't worry it won't be all text, there will be many many pictures for you to enjoy.
To start, I had a project during Christmas that I didn't work much with then to be quite honest, so when I came back after the holidays I worked my butt off every day and night to make it before due date!! I remember that week..God was I stressed out.
I had everything planned out in my head though, so all I had to do was to get it on paper.
I loved this project; YIDA - Young Interior Designer Awards. 5 out of 54 students in my class would go on to the YIDA competition which in the brief said that you were to produce innovative and unique design. I didn't make it to the top 5, but I got a great mark and like I said; I loved this project.
I did a Scandinavian design type of project, though I called it "A Northern Haven". This was more fitting as I didn't just use Scandinavian design and products in my project.
Here's my two boards with the result, and I must say I'm proud of it.
And some of the photos from the boards so you can see some of the actual work.
* I've taken away the big photos as I am afraid of people copying.
If you wish to see my portfolio, please contact me *
This project was a real challenge because for the first time ever I had to design everything from scratch. I didn't even have walls to decorate on the start of this project, so I had to be an architect as well as an interior designer and design a 450 square metre floor plan. Hard? Yes.
I was so relieved when I handed this in, though it wasn't the end.. I had a photography assignment due the day after as well. I've never really worked with photography and SLR-cameras, so this assignment was a challenge. But I believe I have an eye for photography, so I wasn't too worried.
The assignment was to capture an interior set, a location set and objects in focus.
You can check out my photos
You want more?
Alright. For you who don't know, I was lucky to go on a study trip to New York in the end of February!! I must say, I am still struggling to process everything I did and saw, because I was there for 6 days and did about everything that is tourist must-see! (Except for the Rockefeller Centre).
I'll give you New York in pictures mostly because it's simply too much to write about.
New York is a funny city. On the first day, that is Saturday, we came in late (we being me, Eli and Rebekka). So we decided to see Times Square since it was evening, because we thought we wouldn't have the chance again.
What can I say about Times Square... It's not like in the pictures. In the pictures everything stands still. Times Square doesn't stand still!!! Times Square is the craziest place I've ever been at, crazier than standing on The Strip in Vegas. You can only look at all the flashy stuff for 5 mins, then you're outta there!
Don't misunderstand me, The Square was fascinating and very cool, but also a little too much.
And the reason for why I say New York is a funny city is because no matter where we walked in the city centre, we always seemed to find our way back to the Times Square!
On Sunday we went to the 9/11 memorial. This was a very peaceful place, as you can imagine.. What they have done white the location is very beautiful.
"Dedicated to those who fell and those who carry on." |
After the memorial we took the Staten Island ferry to see the Statue of Liberty.
It was a lot smaller than I thought it would be!
The Coast Guard was extreme.... |
And here we have the beautiful skyline of New York City. |
Skyline a little more close. |
We explored SoHo that day, and we took a long stroll up 5th avenue and did some shopping (mostly window shopping) (except for when the other two girls went nuts in Victoria's Secret, haha).
Another evening we decided to visit the top of the Empire State building. I think this was the best experience I had in the city. Standing on the roof to see the city 360 degrees was _amazing_.
Empire State Building from outside. |
The beautiful Crysler Building. |
All that light down there is Times Square!! It's THAT flashy. |
That corner building is the famous Flatiron Building in the Flatiron District. |
Just amazing. Here as well the photos can't describe the amount of amazingness I felt standing there on the 86th floor! And don't you think the views are georgeous??
While we were in New York we attended a lot of school events. It was mainly a second year trip, so as third years students we could tag along to the second years' events and tours, and we did. As a school event, we went to the Design & Decoration building to get inspiration and input from American interior design. This building is 14 stories high and we started on top (thinking it would be easier and go faster??) and really, this place was incredible! So many great interiors and decoration! But by the time we got to the 6th floor we just wanted it to end, haha. Waaay too much information at the same time for our brains to process. I took loads of pictures though, so now I can go through what I saw again and use the inspiration for my Final Major.
Here's a photo from the DDBuilding. Interiors are so different in this country than what I'm used to in Norway. Very inspirational!
After that we ate Sushi and it was Rebekka's first time! I thought it was YUUM!!
Also as a school event, we visited Radio City Music Hall. The Grammy's and MTV's Video Awards have been held here, as well as basically all music legends have held concerts here.
The building is an Art Deco building for you who are interested, and was yet another fascinating place to see in New York.
The entré blew me away! But when I came into the actual music hall I got speechless...
Look at the tiny people down there at the stage! |
Sooo many incredible things in New York. I actually feel like I've processed some of my impressions now just by writing this post, going through some of what I've experienced over there.
But to be quite honest I don't think I can't write any more for now. I'm about half way through my New York visit, we just did sooo much that it's hard to go through all of it at the same time.
I'll leave you with this for now, but stay tuned for the next part of this incredible trip.
- vic -